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  • Retrospectacle (The Supertramp Anthology) , Supertramp

    Price: $17.98
    If you think Supertramp has never had a comprehensive 2-CD anthology, you're bloody well right! These 32 tracks saw them go from prog-rockers to pop stars: The Logical Song; Take the Long Way Home;... more
  • Famous Last Words , Supertramp

    Price: $13.98
    Front man Roger Hodson left for a solo career after this LP reached #5 in '82. He helped give the band two more Top 40 hits full of melodic hooks and soaring harmonies: It's Raining Again and My Kind... more
  • Very Best of , Supertramp

    Price: $12.98
    First comprehensive collection 15 tracks remastere d from their original albums and singles. Includes 9 big U.S. hits, also includes FM staples such as " School," " Crime of the Century," " from Now... more
  • Classics 9 , Supertramp

    Price: $13.98
    This product is an authorized manufactured on demand CD-R