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  • Californication (180-gram) , Red Hot Chili Peppers

    List Price: $39.98
    Price: $28.98
    You Save: $11.00 (28%)
    The Red Hot Chili Peppers of the quadruple platinum smash Blood Sugar Sex Magic returned revitalized and reunited with Californication four year later, which was perhaps their most anticipated album... more
  • Blood Sugar Sex Magik , Red Hot Chili Peppers

    List Price: $39.98
    Price: $28.98
    You Save: $11.00 (28%)
    2012 Release. With valuable assistance from producer Rick Rubin, the Peppers find just the right blend of punk, funk, and hip-hop. Even with a running time of 74 minutes, this 1991 breakthrough has... more